Fonds de Soutien à l’entrepreneuriat (FSE)

The aim of the Fonds de Soutien à l’entrepreneuriat (FSE) (entrepreneurship support fund) is to help entrepreneurs who wish to create or acquire a business in Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Financial assistance is in the form of a grant. The promoter must provide some of the capital to fund the project.

Entrepreneurs wishing to submit a proposal will receive technical support from the Développement (DEV) Vaudreuil-Soulanges team, starting from the business plan up to forecasting and loan applications.

The rules governing the FSE program are adopted by the DEV Board of Directors.



The applicant must meet all of the following conditions:

  • At least 18 years of age when the file is opened
  • A Canadian citizen or landed immigrant and a permanent resident of Québec
  • Demonstrate training or experience relevant to the project
  • Commit to working full-time in the company (i.e., cannot hold another full-time job)
  • Hold at least 50% of shares in the case of an incorporated business, or be an equal part owner if the business is registered (only one application per project can be submitted)

The evaluation committee uses the following selection criteria:

  • The promoter has demonstrated that the venture has the potential for medium- and long-term profitability and viability
  • The project is not in conflict with other businesses offering similar goods or services in a saturated market
  • The business will be operating in a market where the competition is non-existent or non-dominant
  • The promoter has demonstrated the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in the field
  • The promoter has shown attractive market opportunities for the project
  • The project is useful, realistic and original, and offers job creation potential
  • The promoter has obtained all financing needed to start, expand or buy the company

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. However, the promoter must meet with a DEV team member and complete the following procedures:

  • Check eligibility of the promoter and the project
  • Come up with a business plan and two-year financial forecasts
  • Schedule a date for presentation to the evaluation committee
  • Present the project to DEV’s joint investment committee

