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The social economy (co-operatives and non-profit organizations) occupies a choice position in the Québec entrepreneurial model. There are more and more social enterprises generating wealth in their communities. DEV studies their governance and operations with a view to helping them adopt cost-effective production and marketing processes. The goods or services sold must generate enough revenue to sustain jobs, keep the organization viable, and enable it to adapt its offering to the community’s needs.

Services offered by DEV

Like all entrepreneurs in Vaudreuil-Soulanges, social enterprises can benefit from DEV’s support in their creation, startup, consolidation and development. This technical support is enhanced by a network of regional and national actors who provide services and funding to drive the social economy.

DEV Vaudreuil-Soulanges

What is the social economy?

Social enterprises grow out of a need in the community and a desire to fill it. They are constituted as not-for-profit organizations or as co-operatives, but they are real businesses nonetheless.

Discover the social economy in Vaudreuil-Soulanges

There are more than 30 social enterprises in Vaudreuil-Soulanges, with combined sales of more than $85 million. They employ over 750 people, for a total payroll of $20 million. In addition, they’ve managed to recruit more than 600 volunteers! Discover the social enterprises in our region and see our Tools and Documentation page to learn more about the social economy and regional initiatives.

Need financing for a project?

DEV offers several financial assistance programs.

Check out the Social Enterprise Development Fund

